
if you were mine.......

1. love you, absolutely.
2. give you morning call, everyday. as like as you want.
3. bake you some cakes.
4. bring you my breakfast, and we will eat it together.
5. call you every night, if you want.
6. send you a mysterious bouquet of red flowers.
7. send you handwritten letters in very pink paper.
8. make you scrap book which full of ours photos.
9. call you 'lovely'
10. hug you tightly.
11. go to school together, or maybe you will always pick me up.
12. go to class with you.
13. handling your hands.
14. having an always-together-weekend.
15. make you a voicenote, even i'm not that expert singer but it can be good-night call.
16. get your twitter's nick on my twitter's bio.
17. sitting ob the bench together, doing nothing.
18. stare your beautiful eyes.
19. dream of you, and i'll tell you what those dream about.
20. eat ice cream with you, anyway i love strawberry.
21. cook your favorite meals, fried rice maybe?
22. play with your hair.
23. sunday-go-for-walk with you.
24. listen to your favorite songs.
25. make our music video and i'll post it in my youtube channel.
26. write something about you in my blog.
27. go to malioboro with you.
28. kiss you, in the dark.
29. spend holiday with you, we can go everywhere you want.
30. move anything you dont like, cat maybe?
31. wear your favorite colors.
32. ................

where are you, lovely?

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