

-Amalina Elvira Anggraini-


Harder than it looks.

Satu bulan sudah menempuh masa perkuliahan, satu kalimat yang pasti terucap. "Hidup ini sulit"
Aku yang bukan manusia cerdas sepertinya mulai sesak napas. bukan karena kekurangan oksigen atau bahkan merasa seperti berada di ruang hampa udara, melainkan karena ruangan ini bertambah sempit dan terus menjepit.

2 dari 3 responsi pertama ku gagal. cambukan? tamparan? sayatan? YA. aku rindu semua kemudahan itu. tapi aku bisa apa? aku bahkan sudah masuk pada ruang tanpa cahaya yang aku pun tak tau bagaimana aku bisa kesana. "Kamu bisa" kata kata dari seseorang yang terus terngiang-ngiang di pikiranku.apa aku benar benar bisa? aku melihat cahaya terang di ujung sana. lalu apa? aku harus berlari. darimana pun asal cahaya itu, AKU AKAN KESANA.

apa lagi?

tertekan dengan semua yang ada? aku mencoba menikmati berjalan di atas duri duri tajam. aku mencoba merasakan sejuk dari api yang membara. tenang, aku akan terus mencoba,.

galau is ended here.

by the way...... disini aku ketemu teman teman baru yang super duper menyenangkan.........dan gila.
Oji yang selalu stand by whenever aku butuh bantuan. Feby yang ketawa ngakak tapi membawa keceriaan. Bella yang baru saja ulang tahun, yang juga selalu bisa menebak perasaanku. Cinta yang lugu menghanyutkan tapi selalu siap ditebengin.
Navaldi yang jadi anak paling update sedunia path. mirfan yang kalo ketawa khas banget. Uta yang jadi paling netral tapi kalo udah gosip jadi yang paling semangat. hafidzan yang jadi bigos but warm enough buat jadi tempat rumpi. siapa lagi? BANYAK. kelas A dan kelas B PD UNS'14 yang kalo ketemu bahkan seperti teman yang hampir setahun tidak bertemu. 

kalau orang bilang "cinta itu datang tiba tiba" mungkin itu benar. 

tau maksudku kan??


Responsi Pertama

Akhirnya setelah hampir 4 bulan 'nyungsep' di dunia nyata......i'm here. Doing a me time of typing a new entry.
If I were asked about what stories that have happened all these days, don't know whther I could answer, or may be I won't.
Hal pertama, wajib, fardlu, yang harus aku ceritakan adalah........AKU SEORANG MAHASISWA. Alhamdulillah, lolos sbmptn di pilihan pertama. Oendidikan dokter UNS 2014.
Lalu apa yang pantas dikatakan seseorang yang baru saja masuk? The only word describes university life is 'different'. 
Dari Osmaru berlambang mata dengan 16 warna yang telah membuat kantung mata melebar, Opthalmologust yang menyelingi setiao detik pengerjangan tugas dengan tawa, sampai akhir osmaru yang mengharukan.
Aku pikir setelah osmaru berakhir kami akan diberikan waktu beberapa hari untuk istirahat, tapi ternyata tidak. Acara kami dilanjutkan dengan expo univ, acara KRS-an yang nampaknya semua maru memanyakan hal yang sama. 'Bagaimana sistem KRS?'

Hari ini adalah seminggu dari hari pertama dimulainya kuliah, aku masuk di kelas A karena nomer NIM ku yang ganjil. Dihari kelima kuliah, sudah ada responsi fisiologi bab homeistasis. Responsi? Semacam ulangan harian yang tidak bisa ditebak akan berakhir bahagia atzu justru malah sengsara. Tapi alhamdulillah, aku sudah berusaha.

Oh iya, saat ini aku sedang menjalani masa bimbingan. Dimana mabim ini akan menghabiskan waktu yang lebih lama dan nampaknya akan lebih asik.

Sorry for not uploading any photos, instead I write such a boring story. But really hope you guys enjiy this. Caoooo :)


"You only live once but if you do it right, one is enough"

-Mae West-


the end and the beginning

Been waiting a new entry for about a month, I'm finally here sitting in front of the window I've ever posted in my instragam. Well, it's now a week before national exams really comes, sometimes I hope that time really has to be stoppable thus I'll have more time to study but then that's the craziest thing I've ever hoped for. Time is limited.

Anyway, this entry will be filled by some of my random thoughts; love, friendship, happiness.

About love.
What is love? Is that the thing you found when that one person walked in front of you and you just unconsciously smiled at him? or Love is when you sacrifice yourselves just to make someone happy? I say No. Love is not that simple to be defined. Or I simply say Love can't be defined. But for me, that feeling of being loved and being surrounded by people whom you love is the real definition of love. When you feel so blessed of having friends, family, (boyfriend in addition). For me, love will never hurt. Love is affection that keeps people inside it happy and blessed. And when you feel hurt because of love, that's just how love really works to make you realize that love is exist.

About friendship.
I firstly want to separate between love and friendship and I just realized that I can't. Those two words walk side by side. I've found friendship in my life, but it doesn't close my eyes, I'll find the other ones in the other time and place. I love being surrounded by you, friends. Sometimes it's hard to differ affection and love thus some people love their best-friend. It's actually okay to love your best-friend but when everything booms like a boom (something bad happens) you'll be so hard to find another one. 

Friendship, Love, Happiness are three words people can't live without. Without friendship you can't find love and happiness and so other words work. 

"The thing is I'm so blessed of living with you guys and families, I'm so blessed of having these memories, and for the lifetime of my life, I'm grateful" - my own thought


What We Were Today

good night everyone, so I'm having my entry's tittle same with Diana Rikasari's. "What We Were Today" perfectly defines my feeling. Where will I be tomorrow? What will I be? all questions spread over my head. BUM! like it's gonna be a big big explosion.

anyway, guys! like what you've knew I am now in my tiring-senior year. means this is the time for me to decide where I will have my university life. oh! I forget I've clicked the 'finalisasi' button. yap I've decide a place where I really want to spend my university life there. but then, life is choices. there're always A and B, or sometimes you find C, D, and E. I've planned some plans (plan really has to be planned, hasn't it?) and I hope one (or more) of my dreams will come true. ameeeen :)

I miss debating. I miss that night when I spent my whole night with Rhama and Masrul, did memorials, other debating stuff. guys, we really have to meet up! cheeks!




A Life's Change

I've told you -look at my previous post- that debating has changed my life's definition. Yes, it opened my mind. Here are some photos from last  year's ACDC held by Airlangga University. Photos credit to : mbak Safira Riza . enjoy!
