Actually I've nothing to say this morning but that feeling I got yesterday. Sometimes, we don't know what to do but we just want to say 'GiVE UP' and stumble down. That was what I felt.
Actually yesterday I had nothing, but then someone cheerfully made me crazy. Him. Met him. Close.
Sometimes we don't need to 'mine' someone but know him well.
Here I just want to say 'this is the end'. Here here I need to end this all. Adoring him. Why? Someone gladfully asks me. Because I love myself.
Just wonder this. Someone you love has someone he loves. Do you know how it's feel? It feels like you get eerie in every breath you take, every move you want. Then everything seems to be crazy. At all. That's what I don't want to get. BYE. That's the last.
Share you my awesome morning pic. Just want to make you sure that I'm fine. And I'm single :D

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